Khmer Dictionary: ញ
Headley's Khmer-English Dictionary
( n ) [ɲɔɔ]
kind of small tree of which there are several varieties (one, Morinda citrifolia, has edible fruit and roots which produce a red dye)
tenth letter of the Cambodian alphabet
[dɑh ɲɔɔ] : breast(s) shaped like the ញ fruit (refers to the rough bumpy areas around the nipples)
[pʊəh plie ɲɔɔ] : kind of very painful disease characterized by swelling of the ends of the fingers or toes (caused by abscesses or boils under a fingernail or toenail)
[svǝt svaa ɲɔɔ] : to be miserly, stingy; tightfisted; grudging; persistent, resolute, stubborn, tenacious, obstinate
Eg. កងកំឡាំងយើងបានខំតស៊ូយ៉ាងស្វិតស្វាញ: Our forces resisted stubbornly.